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Toronto Area's York Region

York Region Resources & Publications

Please use the accordions below to find reports, publications, startup and entrepreneurship supports, and more resources related to economic strategy and development in York Region. Click on a resource category below to view available documents.

The Vacant Employment Land Inventory (the “inventory”) is a parcel-based inventory of employment lands within designated employment zones throughout York Region. Employment zones are designated in official plans and are defined as areas for business and economic activities that accommodate a wide range of uses such as industrial, commercial, institutional and knowledge-based industries. For forecasting and monitoring purposes, York Region divides employment into three main types: Major Office, Population-related and Vacant Land Employment. The focus of the inventory is on the vacant employment land parcels in the employment land zones. Rural parcels outside of our employment zone boundaries are not included in this inventory.

York Region’s Open Data portal is the public platform for exploring and accessing Regional data, discovering and building apps, getting access to the latest community demographic information and more.


The York Region Employment Survey is a biennial Region-wide door-to-door survey of all businesses with a physical presence in the Region. Home- and remote businesses may participate optionally online.


York Region’s business and academic community has a wide variety of innovation assets available to help support entrepreneurs, small businesses, and startups thrive. From makerspaces helping create product prototypes, to business incubators providing support and guidance, to networking organizations helping make new connections and co-location spaces offering office space – we’ve compiled them all here in one quick and easy to use guide.


Canada’s Global Skills Strategy makes it easier for Canadian businesses to attract the talent they need to succeed in the global marketplace and York Region Economic Strategy is a designated referral part of the program. Whether recruiting professionals from around the world to train Canadian workers, or working with employers planning job-creating investments in Canada, the Global Skills Strategy provides businesses in Canada with a faster way to bring in global talent in order to scale-up and grow—creating better jobs for more Canadians.


Businesses in York Region achieve high levels of economic performance with leading positions in international and national top company indexes such as the Fortune 500, Profit 500: Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies, FP500: Largest Corporations in Canada, Top ICT Companies, Top R&D Spenders, and others.

York Region Publications

The resources provided on this website can be shared, but a credit must be provided to York Region Planning & Economic Development and on social media please tag the York Link channels.