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Toronto Area's York Region

York Region Is Ontario's Second Largest Financial, Insurance, & Real Estate Services Hub

The financial, insurance, and real estate services (FIRE) sector in Toronto area’s York Region is over 5,100 companies strong. You will find global corporations and startups in the Region, supporting over 60,000 sector related jobs. It is a complete eco-system with multinationals and a thriving fintech hub.

  • Second highest number of financial, insurance and real estate services firms in the GTA with more than 5,100 companies
  • The financial, insurance and real estate services industry sector in the Region supports more than 60,000 jobs
  • Key industry players such as, Aviva, Allstate, Combined Insurance, BGIS, Deloitte, Desjardins, KPMG, Morrison Hershfield, PwC, TD Waterhouse, WSPN, to name a few have headquarters, regional, or back-office operations here.

Total Number of FIRE Companies by Region

Statistics Canada, CBC June 2023

Financial, Insurance, & Real Estate Services News