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Neighbourhood Eats: La Brehandaise brings France to Richmond Hill

The sign on the restaurant wall is French, but the customers who stream into this new Bathurst Street eatery are speaking nearly every language under the rainbow. The little bell over the door dings and business partner Pierre-Yvan Poilbout smiles at the newcomer.

La BrehandaiseThe sign on the restaurant wall is French, but the customers who stream into this new Bathurst Street eatery are speaking nearly every language under the rainbow. The little bell over the door dings and business partner Pierre-Yvan Poilbout smiles at the newcomer.

“Hey, Lou,” he greets Lou D’Agostino, and hands the Aurora resident, a regular, his usual espresso. Alex Polsinelli comes in next and in his spotty high school French, greets the owner with, “Bonjour! Ca va? Ca va bien!” At a nearby table, Valentina Axenova and Said Tadros are discussing their recent trips to Paris over soup, chicken and pasta.

Full Article: yorkregion.com