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The Intelligent Community Forum names the Smart21 Communities of 2018 – York Region Makes The List

Smart21 Communities(27 October 2017 – New York City) – More than semi-finalists for an international award, the Smart21 represent the best models of economic, social and cultural development in the digital age, in the judgment of ICF and its team of independent analysts. The Intelligent Community of the Year will be named on June 7 during an Awards Dinner at the ICF Global Summit in London. York Region was named as a semi-finalist.

Smart21 Communities(27 October 2017 – New York City) – In a live ceremony in New York City and an online video, the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) today named the world’s Smart21 Communities of 2018. Selection of this group of cities and counties begins the eight-month process through which ICF will name of them as its 2018 Intelligent Community of the Year. More than semi-finalists for an international award, the Smart21 represent the best models of economic, social and cultural development in the digital age, in the judgment of ICF and its team of independent analysts. The Intelligent Community of the Year will be named on June 7 during an Awards Dinner at the ICF Global Summit in London.

Full Article: www.intelligentcommunity.org