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HERizons Motivational Minutes: Becoming Powerful Presenters l Seneca

If you dread having to create and deliver presentations, you are not alone. Communication skills are important for success, no matter the career or job sector. This session will provide insights and strategies to help you prepare and deliver great presentations with confidence and ease. Be inspired to turn your communication skills into one of your greatest assets by overcoming your fear of delivering a presentation.

This 30-minute session will focus on how to deliver a strong presentation using effective communication skills. The session includes a 10-minute Q-and-A period at the end.

In this session, you will:

• Learn the most common mistakes presenters make and how to avoid them

• Discover how to prepare and deliver effective presentations

• Gain insights for making a memorable and lasting impact on your audience


Jun 13 2024


7:00 pm - 7:30 pm

