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Visiontif founder

Markham company developing AI wearable device to help people who are blind, visually impaired

The most common way for people with visual impairments to navigate outside is through the use of guide canes and raised tactile indicators at intersections. Yu said these devices are more than 100 years old, and there hasn’t been much progress made with alternative solutions, while the Visiontif wearable device is a screen reader for the real world.
Visiontif founder

Markham-based Visiontif is developing an artificial intelligence vision assistant for people who are blind and visually impaired so they can have a better quality of life. Chun Yu, founder and CEO of Visiontif, said the company’s mission is to help people living with visual impairments independently navigate the world by creating a wearable device that uses AI and machine learning technologies to describe objects, signs, and other elements around the user.

Yu was originally inspired by his blind uncle. “Despite his intelligence and kindness, my uncle faced life challenges due to limited educational and job opportunities resulting from his blindness.”

Full Article: yorkregion.com