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Neptune Nano Film in a machine

Big Grant for Markham Company Using Shellfish Nanocrystals to Make Plastic Packaging 100% Recyclable

SDTC funding will help Neptune Nano equip a 2,000 sq.ft. pilot facility the company is currently building and begin producing nanocrystal at the kilogram scale to trial with U.S. partners.
Neptune Nano Film in a machine

Neptune Nanotechnologies is poised to tackle the world’s plastics problem thanks to nanotechnology derived from shellfish waste – and to Seed funding from Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC).

The Markham, ON startup has developed a process to convert shellfish-processing waste into bio-based nanocrystals that are stronger than steel, lighter than plastic, non-toxic and biodegradable. Incorporating just a handful of these crystals into plastic packaging film can drastically increase its strength and block the penetration of moisture and oxygen.

Full Article: digitaljournal.com