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Expanding Economic Opportunities for Racialized and Indigenouse Entrepreneurs

Ontario Investing in free business training for racialized and indigenous entrepreneurs

The Ontario government is investing $5 million in the Racialized and Indigenous Supports for Entrepreneurs (RAISE) program for 2024-25 to provide free access to business coaching, training and grants for more than 400 Indigenous, Black and other racialized entrepreneurs.
Expanding Economic Opportunities for Racialized and Indigenouse Entrepreneurs

The RAISE program helps eliminate barriers faced by Indigenous, Black and other racialized entrepreneurs who want to start or grow their businesses. The government is now accepting applications for the 2024-25 intake which will provide eligible entrepreneurs with free online business development training, culturally responsive coaching, networking supports and a one-time grant of $10,000. Applications close on October 30, 2024.

Full Article: news.ontario.ca