Canadian technology veteran, SwingTrack™ has been a leader in the area of simulators for nearly two decades. With constant evolution and innovation, SwingTrack™ simulators can be found all over the world for a reason: they are the most immersive experience you’ll get and go far beyond traditional golf-only offerings. It’s exciting for hockey fans this week to get the chance to have a shoot-out against their favorite goalie during pre and intermission game times.
“Interactive fan zones are becoming central to the fan experience for just about every major league sport. Whether it is baseball, basketball, football, soccer, hockey – SwingTrack™ simulators are there,” said President, Peter Muellerchen. “In a technology-heavy and social media driven world, fans are becoming more demanding in what entertains them outside of the actual game itself. For many, having an actual seat isn’t possible, but these types of fan zones offer everyone in attendance a sense of inclusion, entertainment and a place to show unity and support for their favorite teams.”
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